In Case You're Not Interested in Reading... This is What I've Been Up To:

Monday, December 22, 2008


I know, I know... I am HORRIBLE at keeping this thing up to date. Maybe I shouldn't have started a blog. Oh well, too late now, it's already been done. Things have kind of slowed down a little over the past couple of months and I'm starting to feel a little lazy! I went from having to schedule out shopping with friends to having way too much time on my hands.

This was a busy year. I started things off volunteering to help out in my running group in any way I could, to somehow becoming a coach in the same group! I honeslty felt like I did not have much to contribute. After all, I have only been running for a couple of years, have only completed 3 marathons. I'm not exactly what I would call a "seasoned" runner. However, I feel like I worked hard and gave it my best. Now the season is over and I am no longer planning weekly long runs... instead I have been moved to the Director's position and am responsible for about 200 runners! How did this happen!? Admittedly, I am very nervous and hope that I will be able to successfully run a productive program. I guess we'll see as time goes on...

I'm still at the sorority house. You know, when I first moved in last year I was so afraid that the girls wouldn't like me... I just did not want to be some tyrant that they hated. I guess things have changed a little, because I no longer have any qualms about whether or not they think I'm mean. Somebody has to tell people to do the dishes! I still can't believe someone would peel an orange and then leave the peel sitting on the arm of the coach as they walked away. I'm starting to feel a little mean because I'm tired of washing pans that I didn't use.

I shouldn't complain. In reality, I really to appreciate my current living situation. I mean, how many people get free room and board as well as a pay check to live where they live? I'm guessing not many... I am lucky.

Christmas is in three days and I am so behind on my shopping it is incredible. How did that happen? Did I not just get through saying that things had slowed down? I swear I get more done in less time when I am busy!


Rachel said...

Wow! Congratulations on becoming director! Its amazing how things just fall into place sometimes.

And dont worry, I just started my Christmas shopping last Thursday... a week before the big. Hopefully I'll be done tonight.

Thanks for posting!

The Morton's said...

I need you to help me get in shape!! I am so proud of you Amber!!!